Sunday, December 12, 2010

A reminder of hard work

I remember the first time I was sucked into the story of Dick Proenneke and his choice at the age of 51 to quit his job and move to into the Alaskan wilderness to live in solitude for roughly 35 years. I've read and watched his story many times and it's had a deep effect on me. There are a ton of people I've had the luck of meeting that share the ideals of hard work that I hold dear, but watching "Alone in the Wilderness" again while I'm lining up my week and doing some design work reminds me how many people just don't get it. I myself stray and "don't get it" at times but with a little reminder from time to time I wheel myself back on line. If you've never read or seen Dick Proenneke's story, do yourself a favor and check it out.


Toecutter said...

Saw it a few years ago and made me feel like the laziest person in the world

eddie said...

I know that the president and congress monitor this site daily . I 'd like to see that watching this video
became a requirement to get an extension of unemployment benifits