Keep your eye out for metal tech article(s) in upcoming issues of Iron Horse Magazine featuring my metalworking antics. Sorry to anyone that will be exposed to my ugly mug in some of the step by step photos. I tried to find someone more handsome, but it just wasn't in my budget. I guess photos like the one above should help.
thats pretty cool jay. good for you man. i think you're beautiful. haha. ill be lookin out for the articles.
So excellent! I knew I could feel good things. Now that you're big-time I'll have to learn how to sexify my own tanks.
On a personal note, I too think you are easy on the eyes.
Thanks guys, it'll be cool to share some fab knowledge with the readers. I'll never be too "big time" to beautify a tank for you Ash, but you should take a swing at chopping one up anyways. How's your tank coming Luke? I don't think I saw finished pics.
i havent wrapped it up yet. the cap that was in it was funky. theres a little lip left around the edge of where the cap was. either gonna beat it out or cut it out. still gotta round out the flat spot around the cap. hadnt got back to it yet.
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