Made this tool to work with a pneumatic rivet gun for forming metal. I was pointed in the direction of this idea by Eric aka Rudehog on a forum I belong to. Really cool tools for metalshapers on the site Definitely some quality stuff and really worth checking out.
Don't know what it does, but it looks cool!
Big D, check out flow forming on the linked site or do a search on flow forming on youtube. You'll dig it.
Are you doing a press fit or is a threaded insert? Was gonna mess around with our air hammer myself soon. Fay Butler has some great literature about hammers as well. Happy New year also.
It's a press fit, I'm going to post some feedback about it after I get to use it.
Are You building a planishing hammer?
I'm watchin' at Your blog you are doing very good works, after many years of blacksmith job I'm tryng to do some bike works, but it is harder than I thought! Do You know any link
about motorcycle fenders shaping?
Ciao Ghelo P.S. sorry for my bad English
Are You building a planishing hammer?
I'm usining it too..sometimes.. at
P.s. I follow Your blogspot the best for H.C. metalshaping I guess.....
see Ya
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