Make your first mdf profile nice and smooth on the edges with a sandpaper/block, palm sander, belt sander, whatever you have to do the job. This is so you can easily clean up the rest of your rough cut mdf profiles using a router and a flush cut bit riding on your first clean mdf piece, making them all exactly the same (if you want to be picky). You can hand duplicate these with simple tools, the router just speeds the process up.

Change the router bit to the roundover profile you want and rout the top edge of your top profile. You can hand rasp/sand to round the edge over if you don't have a router.

Screw all you pieces together and you have your finished form, ready to hammer on.
Oil bag or saddle bag? I would love to have a saddle bag in that shape and size for the exhaust side in metal. Let me know
earl...yeah I finally get it!
Love your posts, man. You have mad skills. I learn so much from ya. USA.
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